Lay-up Approach With One Dribble

Tactical Problem:  Improving and gaining height while performing a lay-up.

Skill Development:  Proper footwork approach to the basket while driving outside knee and arm up

Teaching Points: 


  • Gaining height in a lay-up.


  • Driving knee up in order to gain height while doing a lay-up.
  • Use proper footwork approach to the hoop when doing a lay-up.
  • Drive outside knee up, along with the same arm up, when student reaches basket.
  • Visualize knee and elbow being attached by an 'elastic band.'





Organizational Points: 
  • Students line up at basket, 4-6 students per basket (2-3 on each side).
  • One student stands underneath the basket with his/her hand up as high as he/she can.
  • Players line up at top of key and use proper footwork to approach basket.
  • Once at basket, students bring up outside arm and leg ('elastic band') and jump up and try to put the ball in the basket.
  • Once shot, students get rebound and jog to the end of the line.
  • Students do not dribble the ball.  Concentrate on footwork.


  • Have student at other side of the key who passes the ball to the person doing the lay-up. 
  • Have student who catches ball jab and then do a lay-up.
